News — Tea

Zencha: Learn to Discern

Zencha: Learn to Discern

If what you eat makes a difference and you pay attention to it, then shouldn't you pay attention to what you sip!

Know what you want, know what makes you happy, filter out that which clutters, rule out that which clenches, hold close who love, stay humble every second, at times live in silence, let solitude walk in once in a while .. you create your result by the choice you make Now. At this phase of my life when Flavors have taken a forefront, where I have chosen to see the silver lining...

Zencha: Space .. a necessity for tea & self.

Zencha: Space .. a necessity for tea & self.

Imagine a room with doors and windows shut, and more than few people in it where there is barely any place to stand, let alone breathe and the room is small and it is hot and humid! I know that surely wasn't a picturesque sight! Well now imagine a Tea pot that is sleek, thin, tall and as beautiful as it might seem to look, it doesn't have the capacity to hold in much of the water. If you add spoonfuls of tea leaves to infuse, in this sleek, slender pot,...

Zencha: Just be.

Zencha: Just be.

Just 'be' ..Let the essence stay, Unpretentious, true, real, you.
Let the essence stay, allow the core to exist, sprinkle 'delicacy' and step back, wait, let the other absorb and then let the eyes do the talking ~ that goes for Tea.
When infused, let the 'Two leaf & a bud' speak rather than 'pot pourri'. 
Let it not be a pale yellow liquid but a cup that breathes life into you.

Zencha: Know the Source!

Zencha: Know the Source!

'La Source', those are the words i go by and it is my bible for many things in life .. the thought, the belief, the product, the person, the enterprise. It all begins from the Source .. 'Srot' as we say in sanskrit. And it has stayed on with me as Anandini came into this world. If i cannot sip what i serve, how can i make you sip what i craft or create. And that is all there is to say, if you wouldn't let your child have it, then how come you...