A child of the estate. Borne and bought up in the estate (literally). As his mother would vouch. Always outside in the estate was his play field.
"I was always happy in the wild" the estate and its smell of fresh tea leaves.
Manjhee Valley and Kangra Teas re introduction to the world tea market is Kunal's work. Extensive travel all over the world educating people about the himalayan tea - Kangra tea, and simultaneously learning about the tea cultures of the world.
2003 re kindled the desire to go back to one's root. And after working for consultancies in Mumbai. Manjhee Valley was the exact life change that I required. Tea and its rejuvenation.
Also it worked out well, as my dad Mr. Abhai Singh, was looking for a new challenge. Him a manufacturing guru and myself a marketing professional.
It was also simultaneously that Ms. Anamika Singh was inventing Anandini Himalaya Tea.
With the deep understanding of building up a International Brand, and additionally knowledge of tea, agriculture and social scenarios. Manjhee Valley has come a long way in the last 15 years with the leadership of Mr. Kunal Singh.